Relocations are a last resort for feral cats — done only when the environment is dangerous, there is no reliable feeder, or when cats are unwanted and threatened.
Our Work
Thanks to the terrific vet staff at @lollypopfarm and @rochestercommunityanimalclinic, we spayed 32 females and neutered 19 males in June.
Scroll through to see some of the 38 cats and kittens we helped during the incredibly busy first half of June!
Thirty lucky kittens were pulled from window wells, garages, sheds, and yards. All of these kittens, and most of the mother cats, are safe in our foster homes or those of our rescue partners.
TNVR is labor-intensive and it must be accompanied by outreach and education to be most effective. The ongoing management of a colony is challenging but also rewarding.
In the US, 80% of kittens are born outdoors where they must contend with predators, parasites, cars, and poor nutrition. Most die by the age of six months. Many go on to have more kittens. TNVR stops this cycle, prevents litters of kittens, and prevents suffering. With fewer cats outdoors, more kittens will be born indoors 😻
Counting cats in a target area is a daunting but important task that requires time and multiple volunteers. Counting cats at a colony caretaker feeding station is a bit simpler. We aim to spay/neuter 80%-100% of a feeder’s cats and a trail cam helps us reach our goal. Even if […]
We met a lot of cats in April! Thanks to the @alleycatallies Feline Frenzy, our Sunday clinic at @vsas_ras, and the terrific vet staff at @lollypopfarm and @rochestercommunityanimalclinic we were able to spay/neuter over 50 community cats from the city streets.
A big week thanks to the @alleycatallies and @lollypopfarm Feline Frenzy! Two friendlies removed from the streets and 16 more on their way to a healthier, less stressful life.
Seventeen lucky felines got snipped, tipped, and vaccinated, and happy to report we had a few friendlies we can get off the streets!