RocKats has been working hard to build and distribute insulated cat shelters for winter. We’ve been lucky to have some much-needed help from area Girl Scout troops and have delivered 40 shelters so far. The Girl Scouts learned about community cats and how cat populations can increase quickly if not properly cared for. Then they got to building! Everyone was excited to help our city cats have a warm place to stay as temperatures drop. A huge THANK YOU to all of our amazing troop leaders and scouts: Troop 60496 in Fairport, Troop 60331 in Hilton and Troop 60378 in Scottsville – you all rock!

Our shelters are built from dense styrofoam coolers, lined with contact paper on the inside, protected by contractors bags on the outside, and labeled with our contact information. Wood slats lift the shelters up off the ground and plenty of straw is used for insulation. If making your own cat shelter, always use STRAW, not hay. Straw is a great insulator, repels moisture, and will not get moldy. Avoid fabrics of any kind as these will freeze in the cold temps. Shelters should be inconspicuous and placed in areas that are safe for the cats. And remember, food and water should be an easy trek for the cats, but not too close to sleeping quarters, and never inside a shelter.

We’ve heard from several colony caretakers that their cats are already using the shelters. YAY! Thank you for taking such good care of your cats!